September 3, 2010

Sports fan: Which One Are You?

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of attending the New England Patriots preseason game against the New York Giants.  While it's only a preseason game, it was still fun because the team is very close to the regular season and the tickets were free.  Throughout the game though, I observed a few interesting fans that I think is applicable throughout any sporting event that you would attend.

First off, the one that I personally don't understand are the fans that come to the game wearing a jersey of a team that's not involved in the current game.  This fan was wearing a Hasselback Seahawks jersey.  Now I understand if he was wearing a Sanchez Jets jersey because the Jets are rivals of the Patriots, but the Seahawks are not even in the same conference.  I understand if he wants to show off his team pride but don't make yourself look like a fool.

The next one is one that is at every event: the obnoxious drunken guy.  I get that they are trying to have a good time with their buddies but there's a reason that stadiums stop selling beer after the 3rd quarter, of after the 7th inning, to prevent obnoxious fans. But to load up before that and yell profanity in front of little children is too much.  The whole stadium should be family-friendly, not just one section.

One of the most annoying fans are the ones that come to the game decked out in team gear……..and then are on their phone the whole game.  This is the most ridiculous thing ever that I just want to dump my soda on them.  The worst is when I see these fans on TV in the expensive seats and are talking on the phone.  You're there for the game, how about watching it!

Other types of fans I would say one would see is the frequent get-out-of-my-seat guy, the walk-around-the-stadium fan, and lets-try-to-get-the-wave-going-over-and-over-again fan.   Okay, so maybe the last few fans are more funny than annoying but you get the idea, I'm sure you've encountered them before.  Do you agree?


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